JADE Case has astounded her parents following a major eight hour operation to remove a cancer tumour from her stomach.

Jade's mum, Dawn, who has been at the four-year-old's bedside in Alder Hey Childrens Hospital since the operation on Thursday, said: "I can't believe how brave Jade has been. She's not complained once since the operation.

"Things didn't go as well as we would have liked on Thursday. When the surgeons operated on Jade they were only able to remove 95 per cent of the tumour, the remaining five per cent was attached to the spinal cord and couldn't be removed.

"This means that Jade will have to undergo more chemotherapy and will also have to have radiotherapy and there is a chance that another operation may be necessary. The tumour that has been removed has been sent away for analysis. So all we can do now is pray."

Dawn added: "I would like to thank my mum and dad, Joan and Arthur Sherman, who have provided Phil and I with tremendous support since Jade's cancer was diagnosed in May.

"I would also like to thank our friends and all those who have been helping us to raise funds to take Jade on holiday. Jade has been looking at the brochures and when we asked her where she would like to go, she chose Majorca."

NEXT event to raise money for Jade will be a Disco Night at the Windle City Club, City Road, on December 6. Tickets are £2 and the event kicks off at 8pm.

Phil and Dawn are still trying to raise money for research into the stomach cancer from which Jade is suffering, by collecting used postage stamps. Please send used stamps to: Mr and Mrs Case, 20 Singleton Avenue, Blackbrook, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 9DA.

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