XANADU developers have promised to carry on listening to objectors to the 70-acre snow dome planned for Leigh.

And they promised that the public consultation would continue in a bid to allay fears and accommodate demands.

Alex McLachan, a director of Moorfield Estates - combining with Greenbank Partnerships to bring the £150 million pleasuredome to Pennington - committed himself to listening to objectors.

"We are here to listen. We are going to take on board everybody's comments and we will make a genuine attempt to answer comments."

Addressing the 40-plus anti-Xanadu voices at a pro-Xanadu public meeting organised by Leigh businessmen Alan Jones and Mike Canning, he added: "You will have oppportunities to debate this in the future - in the coming weeks and months.

"We want to learn about your objections. We will try and accommodate you."

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