A WOMAN thought she was about to be raped after waking to find a man she had been drinking with forcing his way into her bed.

Michael John Russell, 47, molested the 18-year-old after they went out drinking together, Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, was told on Wednesday, October 15.

Jailing Russell, of Buller Street, Bury, for 12 months, Judge Peter Lakin said: "I am told that you deeply regret what happened on this night and you are ashamed of yourself. So you should be."

Miss Kate Blackwell, prosecuting, said Russell was in a state of undress when the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, found him trying to get into the bed with her.

She said Russell told the woman to keep quiet as he tried to kiss her. She added: "She was struggling with Mr Russell and trying to push him away from her. He told her to shush, and pointed his finger at her. She later said she thought he was going to rape her."

Mr Jonathan Dickinson, mitigating, said Russell had no recollection of the assault and only remembered trying to kiss the woman.

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