LEIGH residents could be living in the shadow of the planned Xanado complex for upto three hours a day in the winter, claims the Green Party.

And the Party's prospective candidate in the forthcoming Hope Carr by-election, Chris Maile, says the health of people in a line stretching from the canal bridge on King Street to the Xanadu dome itself could be affected.

The Green Party say they are becoming increasingly concerned at the effect this constant living in the shade will have upon the lives of hundreds of local residents, depriving them of light and shade.

Mr Maile said: "The effects upon the health of the local community from constantly living in this shadow could result in increased levels of stress, but even in a best case scenario we shall see increased heating costs to those homes affected by the shadow of Xanadu.

"When we consider the distance that the winter shadow stretches, which on some days could be up to half a mile from Xanadu, it simply emphasises the sheer size of the building and the catastrophic effect it will have upon the whole of Leigh."

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