SCHOOLS in Bury will join forces with the health service from October 20 to improve the way in which people prevent, detect and treat head lice.

Information displays will be up in doctors' surgeries, health centres, libraries and information centres throughout Bury during the week-long campaign.

Leaflets concerning the prevention, detection and treatment of head lice will be available.

Schools will display information, distribute leaflets and focus on the subject in lessons.

And an educational video film about head lice will be shown in several public places.

An activity pack to be used in schools is being prepared and will be available later in the year to help teachers inform children of all ages about the problem of head lice.

The campaign also aims to dispel some of the myths surrounding head lice.

Dr Olu Olojugba, Consultant in Communicable Disease Control at Bury and Rochdale Health Authority said: "We are trying to remove the stigma surrounding head lice so that people can talk about the problem without being embarrassed. Not being able to talk openly sometimes means they get passed on to others when it could be avoided."

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