GRAND health club ideas for an old mine managers' house sparked a Green Belt row.

Lark Hill House, in Manchester Road, Astley - once the home of the Gin Pit colliery manager and later National Coal Board offices - was at the centre of the scheme which set planners arguing.

Mr John Jones of Sandy Lane, Astley wanted to convert the detached house next to St Ambrose School into a private health club with swimming pool, 400 square metre rear extension and car parking for 35 visiting vehicles and four staff spaces.

At Tuesday's meeting of Wigan planning committee Cllr John Lea suggesting ignoring guidelines because the development was between St Ambrose Church community hall and St Ambrose School.

He also said:"St Mary's school nearby goes much further into the Green Belt. I don't see how we can justify other developments then turn this down."

But Cllr Audrey Bennett favoured sticking firmly to the rules:"We have a policy that we don't encroach into the Green Belt.

Planners felt the proposals would result in intensive, large scale commercial use and refused the application because it would conflict with Green Belt development control.

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