POLICE arrested two men when they became abusive and refused to move from the grounds of a Wigan hospital.

Christopher and John Lyon were found to be the worse for wear for drink.

They were detained after rejecting advice from officers to move on from the ambulance parking bay at Wigan Infirmary.

John, 32, of Youd Street, Leigh and Christopher, 24, of Horne Grove, Worsley Mesnes, admitted using threatening words or behaviour likely to cause alarm or distress.

They were both fined £160 and ordered to pay £40 costs.

Prosecuting, Mrs Ann Hughes said police were called to the car park of the Infirmary because three men were causing problems.

One of them walked away when asked to do so, but the Lyons stayed.

She added that they were also told to move on from the ambulance parking bay, but became abusive to the officers.

They were eventually arrested for a public order offence.

Defending, Mr Carl Gaffney told the court that both men had drank to excess that evening. That was their excuse for their behaviour.

He said: "Their recollections of the evening are far from clear, but they do accept they used robust language to the police."

The court was told that neither defendant had a clue why they were at the Infirmary in the first place.

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