BURGLAR Eamonn Marchewka terrified an elderly widow in her own bed as he demanded cash to pay for drugs.

A court at Bury heard how the 77-year-old - whose husband had died just a week earlier - was awoken at 4.15am by a noise in the bedroom of her home in Stand Lane, Radcliffe.

Prosecuting, Dr Roger Woods said: "She screamed in terror and her daughter, who was also staying in the house, was awoken and went to the bedroom. There she confronted the defendant who was demanding cash to pay for drugs.

"He switched on the light and continued to search all the time demanding money."

At one stage Marchewka picked up an envelope containing the personal effects of the widow's late husband and despite the pleas of both women not to take anything from it, broke it open and checked out the contents.

Dr Woods said: "He pulled out a watch which belonged to the lady's late husband and then threw it down shouting that it was not gold."

Marchewka, of Church Street, Radcliffe, then left the room but continued to search the house even though he could hear the mother and daughter calling for the police.

Eventually, he left taking with him a handbag and its contents valued at £150.

In court the 29-year-old pleaded guilty to the burglary and to a similar offence said to have been committed in September.

He also faces two charges of assaulting a police officer and following submissions to the court the magistrates refused jurisdiction on one of those matters and ordered Marchewka to face Crown Court trial.

He case was adjourned until November 4 for committal proceedings to take place and bail was not given.

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