A PAIR of ornate, wrought-iron gates valued at more than £8,500 have been stolen from Tower College, Rainhill.

The gates were installed just two years ago by the Oxley family who own the primary school in Mill Lane but thieves struck overnight between Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7 and 8, using a generator to unhinge them

Marcus Oxley, whose sister Rachel is the headteacher at Tower College, told the Star: "In 1995, we installed a new road to the school to stop traffic congestion and the gates were installed at the entrance. However, when we arrived at the school last week, the gates had vanished."

Marcus, the managing director of Ashburn Alexander Financial Consultants in Hall Street, St Helens, added: "I am now hoping someone has seen the gates and can tell us where to find them. They are unmistakeable and it would be a shame to have to buy another set."

IF you have any information about the stolen gates, contact DC Geoff Henry at the St Helens Crime Management Unit on 0151 777 6053 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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