A HARD up playgroup in Mosley Common is appealing for public help to keep going after being told an annual grant from the council has been slashed.

Lindale Hall Playgroup, which has been established for 22 years, and meets at Lindale Hall, Lindale Road, admit they are now finding it hard to make ends meet after being told by Wigan Council their £75 grant is no longer available.

To try to inject some cash into the playgroup they are organising a Christmas Fair for Wednesday, November 5, which they hope will be well supported by local people.

And playgroup leader Mrs Anne Edwards is appealing for local firms, individuals or organisations to donate cash, gifts or promotional materials they can sell on the day.

She commented: "We were given £150 a year 22 years ago which we received every year. Then, about five years ago, this was cut in half to £75 and we have just received a letter from Wigan Council saying our grant has been dropped completely due to local government cuts.

"Costs are going up every year and we think we do a good job and now have to look elsewhere for money to cover our overheads and insurance. I think the council are very mean to cut such a small amount when it affects so many families and children."

Anyone who can offer help is invited to ring Anne on 0161 357 0131.

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