I AM writing out of concern at the announcement that the Lancaster and District Homeless Action Service is to withdraw its service to homeless clients in the evenings and offer only a daytime service.

The evening sessions provided by the Homeless Action Service have met the needs of many homeless people over the years and the loss of the service is significant. Although the Homeless Action Centre in Edwards Street will be open during the daytime, I fail to see this as improving the service. To offer a daytime service on four days a week instead of an evening service on six days a week is certainly not an improvement - it looks to me like a very significant cut.

The changes, which are due to take place from October 13, prompt a number of questions. 1. The Homeless Action Service has, since its inception, relied on both public funding and charitable donations provided through the Community Charge, taxation and charitable giving. What consultation has taken place about these cuts with the local authority or with the general public?

2. What consultation has taken place with the users of the service? Have they been asked what they want? 3. Why have these changes been announced shortly after the Homeless Action Service General Meeting? Is this a means of denying the public an opportunity to comment?

In conclusion, I feel that this decision has taken much of the 'action' out of Homeless Action Service and feel that many people who have supported this organisation over many years will be disappointed at this sudden change in policy.

Christine Ingham,


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