UFO experts think a top secret 'Stealth' aircraft is behind a spate of strange night-sky sightings over Burnley and Pendle at the weekend.

There were three separate reports of unidentified flying objects within hours.

In Brierfield at 9.30pm on Saturday, three teenage girls nervously reported seeing a triangular craft and disc flying together towards Burnley.

An hour later a man in Padiham also claimed to see a triangle overhead.

And on Sunday night a UFO spotter stationed on the Nick of Pendle saw a ball of light above Trawden.

Saucer spotters doubt the craft came from another world - they think it is an unmanned spy plane, being tested under cover of darkness.

"It is very unusual for there to be so many sightings in one weekend," said Rory Lushman, chairman of Pendle and Hyndburn UFO Network.

The group logs all reported UFOs and interviews everyone who phones in with a sighting. Mr Lushman believes most UFOs are Stealth planes on training runs.

"We receive very many reports of triangles in the sky, and I would say 90 per cent are Stealth aircraft, which we believe are being developed by British Aerospace at Warton in Preston."

Mr Lushman describes himself as a 'sceptical believer' in visitors from other planets, but says the authorities rely on the little-green-men theory to discredit people who have seen UFOs.

"They know no one will take it seriously then," he said.

The UFO group will be interviewing the witnesses over the next few days.

"We try get an impression of the people, to see whether they're just trying to con us," explained Mr Lushman. "We ask them to fill in a form and draw what they saw.

"Most people are quite frightened and emotional after a sighting. They know they're open to ridicule, even from their families, so it can help them to talk to someone who takes them seriously."

Matt Birdsall of UFO Magazine said: "You can't ignore the sheer volume of reports that come from the Burnley area, and the UFO group there are a good investigative team.

"I suspect BAe are developing a prototype aircraft, but they are unlikely to test it over the Pennines, which is a relatively highly populated area - if it came down they would find it impossible to deny.

"But all the witnesses can't be wrong. There is enough to suggest that something is going on."

British Aerospace told the Citizen: "Any sightings of UFOs are not linked to any activities here at BAe."

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