WORRIED parents fear a child will be killed on a road used as a rat-run by speeding drivers.

Residents say Hillingdon Road running between Brierfield and Burnley, where many young children live, needs Traffic-calming measures to force motorists to slow down.

"It doesn't matter what time of day it is, motorists come along Hillingdon Road well in excess of 60 miles per hour," said one parent, Alan Barnes, of nearby Grassington Drive.

"They use it as a short cut between Marsden Road and Briercliffe Road and their driving is downright irresponsible."

Mr Barnes, a journalist, says one of the worst spots is the junction of Hillingdon Road and Grassington Drive.

He said: "Matters are made worse by schools of motoring using the turn into Grassington Drive to teach learners how to reverse around a corner.

"The L-drivers face towards Standen Hall Drive and reverse back, but cars coming from the Marsden Road end of Hillingdon Road are already bearing down on them around a sweeping blind bend.

"I'm amazed nobody has been hurt or that more accidents don't happen there.

"And this residential part of Burnley comprises young families, many with children under six years old.

"If the police sat along Hillingdon Road with a speed gun they would have a field day."

Traffic police know of people's concern but say there are worse roads in Burnley which must must take priority for limited resources. Since 1995 two children have been injured on the road, but none of the accidents were caused by high speeds. WORRIED parents fear a child will be killed on a road used as a rat-run by speeding drivers.

Residents say Hillingdon Road running between Brierfield and Burnley, where many young children live, needs traffic-calming measures to force motorists to slow down.

"It doesn't matter what time of day it is, motorists come along Hillingdon Road well in excess of 60 miles per hour," said one parent, Alan Barnes, of nearby Grassington Drive.

"They use it as a short cut between Marsden Road and Briercliffe Road and their driving is downright irresponsible."

Mr Barnes, a journalist, says one of the worst spots is the junction of Hillingdon Road and Grassington Drive.

He said: "Matters are made worse by schools of motoring using the turn into Grassington Drive to teach learners how to reverse around a corner.

"The L-drivers face towards Standen Hall Drive and reverse back, but cars coming from the Marsden Road end of Hillingdon Road are already bearing down on them around a sweeping blind bend.

"I'm amazed nobody has been hurt or that more accidents don't happen there.

"And this residential part of Burnley comprises young families, many with children under six years old.

"If the police sat along Hillingdon Road with a speed gun they would have a field day."

Traffic police know of people's concern but say there are worse roads in Burnley which must must take priority for limited resources. Since 1995 two children have been injured on the road, but none of the recorded accidents have been caused by high speeds.

And the council believes drivers will stop using Hillingdon Road to avoid the junction of Marsden Road and Briercliffe Road once that junction has been improved. That, though, may be some time off.

"If is going to be long term, we'll have another look at the problem," said Sergeant Mick Heyworth.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.