A RADCLIFFE man has undergone a marathon nine-hour operation to reattach a finger torn off in a works accident.

And colleagues of Mr Steven Cook, 33, are anxiously awaiting news of whether the micro-surgery carried out at Manchester's Withington Hospital has been successful.

Mr Cook, of Riverside Road, had his wedding-ring finger severed in a horror accident at the premises of the road cone and street furniture manufacturers, Swintex.

As a colleague took the injured man to hospital, another workmate retrieved the finger - and put it in a fridge.

Paramedics collected it and took it to Withington Hospital.

Mr Cook, blow moulding team leader at the factory in Manchester Road, Bury, was injured in an accident which happened late yesterday week.

He was jumping down from a metal cage when his wedding ring caught in the framework, slicing off the finger.

He was driven to hospital by Mr Chris Morris and Mr Paul Tong recovered the finger.

Swintex spokeswoman Mrs Sharon Gilligan said the injured man had since undergone nine hours of surgery to reattach the finger.

"We hope the operation is going to be a success.," she added.

She praised the actions of the injured man's colleagues following the accident.

Mr Cook's condition is described as "comfortable".

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