COUNCILLORS are being asked to lift a restriction on the sale of a luxury bungalow, which could increase its value by almost 50 per cent.

The four-bedroom, two-bathroom bungalow with jacuzzi was built in 1972, with a strict planning condition that it could only be occupied by a farm worker.

At the time, it was in the grounds of a farm on Dog Pits Lane, Bacup, and was built for the farmer's son.

But despite being for sale for a year at the bargain price of £62,500 the bungalow has failed to find a buyer who meets the planning condition.

Now Rossendale councillors are being asked to lift the restriction, which would widen its appeal and increase the asking price to £90,000.

The council's planning sub-committee will decide tomorrow. Borough planning officer Philip Cunliffe and the county land agent are both recommending that the restriction should be removed.

A report to the committee says when the farmer died in 1976 the original farm was sold in accordance with his will and the proceeds split between his two sons.

The 15 acres left with the bungalow, which are being offered to prospective purchasers as an optional extra, are not enough to make farming viable.

Agents acting on behalf of the owner say without the restriction the bungalow and land could be used as a hobby farm or a riding school.

The report adds: "The applicant has made a genuine attempt to dispose of the property at a very realistic price. How realistic can be gauged from the fact that the property is in Band G for council tax purposes, indicating a value in excess of £160,000."

The agent adds: "This is clearly not a case of someone seeking to profiteer by abusing the system which allows agricultural dwellings in open countryside.

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