ONLY a few weeks ago, the council thoroughly cleared the streets behind our houses. It took some time and was a good job.

However, at the weekend, some mindless morons dumped TVs, furniture, bedding and the like in the back lane. This is now the fourth time this has happened.

I know the council will clear such rubbish free of charge. It only takes a telephone call. This area has recently been improved with a group repair scheme. Why spoil it?

There was a token clean-up on Whalley Range a few months ago, but I see rubbish dumped there again.

The former People's College site has been grassed and cleared, but the seats are covered with graffiti already.

May I suggest that all instructions on the correct disposal of rubbish are written in Esperanto - it would make just as much sense.

G WHEATMAN, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.

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