I WAS horrified, to say the least, at some of John Blunt's comments (LET, April 15) regarding the Northern Ireland peace proposals.

Did we offer a similar solution to the Falklands crisis other than force? Did we abandon the British inhabitants so that they could obtain Argentinian citizenship?

No, we offered a simple peace proposal: "If you don't leave the Falklands, we'll come over and kick you out or kill you off."

There was never a suggestion that Argentina could have a say in how the Falklands were run, and why should there have been?

Why should the people of Northern Ireland be even asked to give anything to another country in order to live in peace?

Why should anyone have to give in to the gun, which is what the people of Northern Ireland are being asked to do?

That 'plagued country,' as Mr Blunt refers to it, is part of the British Isles and should command the same respect as Wales, Scotland or, indeed, England.

It should be protected from outside foes just as passionately too.

Would Mr Blunt offer his next door neighbour a say in his own life in return for his music to be turned down? I don't think so.

Before Mr Blunt suggests that "they should be cut adrift and left to rot," perhaps he should remember that they are his British brothers and sisters who live in a beautiful part of the British Isles and deserve to do so in peace - but not at any price. Giving a little now will not be the end. A united Ireland is what Gerry Adams and his motley crew are after and they will not stop until that is what they get.

Well, they have to be stopped or got rid of, just like the Argentinians were.

And, no, Mr Blunt, I am not Irish.

M ECCLES, Arkwright Fold, Blackburn.

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