From the Bury Times, July 20, 1973

M-WAY: Whitehall agreed to re-route the new M66 round the Tetrosyl factory at Walmersley. But they over-ruled complaints from Ramsbottom Secondary School and Shuttleworth village.

HOAX: An Ainsworth couple suffered a three-year barrage of unwanted deliveries, including a funeral wreath. "Maybe someone doesn't like us because we belong to the Salvation Army" the wife said.

SINGER: Ramsbottom's singing postman Howard Jones, 20, had written 400 songs in three years. After hiring a hall for an audition, he was awaiting record company offers.

FAIR: Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary was set for its annual fair, to be opened by Pat Phoenix, Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner.

CARS: The AA said the weekly cost of running a car had risen £1 in the past twelve months.

COMFORT: Tottington council leader Harold Taylor launched a plan to buy old people electric blankets for the winter. 50 years ago:

From the Bury Times July 17, 1948

STARS: Appearing at Bury Hippodrome in the Carroll Levis Stars of Tomorrow show were local comedy duo Loll Park and Tina Trent.

PIT: Coal Board planned to close Ladyshore Colliery, Little Lever. It was losing 12 bob for each ton of coal. But what would happen to the new £6,000 canteen?

GARDENS: Council tenants got a letter about their gardens. Alderman T. Taylor said some were disgusting. "If one or two tenants get their marching orders, the rest would see the error of their ways."

BEETLE: A Colorado beetle -fatal to potato crops - was found in Bury open market.

SAVED: A Bury plumber and his apprentice escaped when their cradle tipped up. Gordon Pickering, 29, repairing a gutter five storeys up, grabbed hold of it. Brian Berry, of Prestwich, fell 20 feet, but his fall was broken by a hook on a cable. Both men were dragged to safety through windows.

COURT: Motor dealer Cliff Holden was in court for riding a motor bike without trade plates in Tenterden Street, round the corner from his Millett Street premises. The court heard that Mr Holden had the machine for tune-up. Racing bikes had no kick-start, so he had pushed it. Case dismissed.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.