THE history books will be rewritten on Saturday when the 1st Parachute Regiment drop-in to take on the Leigh Academy side.

Since the Leigh side played at Aldershot earlier this year the links between the two clubs have grown stronger.

The Paras recently called on Leigh's senior Academy coach, Mike Roach, to help them with their preparations for the Army Challenge Cup matches.

The Paras are new to, but extremely enthusiastic about, Rugby League. And although the team is obviously a very fit outfit, Leigh once again came to their aid when first team conditioner Tony Pratt went to Aldershot to aid them with training specifically geared to playing Rugby League.

On Leigh's weekend visit to Aldershot the Academy side were treated like royalty and are planning the return visit to the finest detail.

The match will be played at Hilton Park on Saturday, kick off 3pm, and there will be hospitality provided by the club and sponsors throughout the day.

On Sunday they will again be guests of the club, started with a training session in the morning followed by Sunday lunch before watching th first team take on Whitehaven in the afternoon.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.