AN impassioned plea has been made to save the borough's historic Arts and Crafts Centre.

Along with the Mosses Centre, it has been threatened with closure in a massive shake-up of the Community Education Service (CES), which had its grant cut by £630,000 last year.

Centres were told to meet 50 per cent of their running costs this year, but most cannot afford to pay.

Large centres like the Arts and Crafts were then threatened with closure to make up the £178,000 shortfall.

Public anger led to the centres being given a reprieve, but councillors say there will be no special cases. The whole future of community education will be reviewed at the end of the year.

Campaigner Mr Keith Rothwell was determined to keep the issue high on members' agendas when he spoke at the latest full council meeting.

"I trust, when you gave us that lifeline, that you wished to find a way to continue these services," he said from the public gallery.

"I hope it was not a way of putting off the day until it was more politically expedient?"

Councillor Derek Boden, leader of the council, assured him that was not the case, but said that at some time the functions of all institutions and buildings had to be looked at.

"There's no point in having a magnificent building if no-one can use it," he said. "Under the previous administration, we would not have had any money for people to use these facilities.

"I am sure that all of us want the Arts and Crafts centre to continue in a use compatible with its history but we cannot say now what form that will take."

Coun Boden added: "We recognise the need for community education and people making the most use of their skills. We will all do our very best to make sure that happens."

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