MAY I respond to ex Cllr Wilson's letter of July 16 in your paper. As he was part of the council during the turbulent years between 1991 and 1995 I am surprised that he finds the sound of raised voices during a heated debate uncomfortable.

Let me explain my position, however, I was responding to a deliberately misleading statement. This suggested that the three ward councillors had colluded with officers to impose the traffic calming measures on local people.

Mr Wilson knows very well that back bench members have little influence over the decisions of officers. the ward councillors knew about the proposed traffic calming measures at exactly the same time as local residents and traders.

At this point Cllr Tattersall and myself approached the engineers at the town hall and at the same time we discovered that a public meeting had been called and decided to withhold any letters of objection until after we had chance to listen to local concerns. This we have done.

The mood of the meeting was not against traffic calming per se but against measures which could result in the loss of trade. Hopefully the message has now got through to council officers and the traffic calming proposals will be modified accordingly.

Cllr Peter Robinson

Westminster Road


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