VANDALS have wrecked an empty Bury house which was home to a pensioner and her family for more than 60 years.

Now, the angry daughter of the former owner of the property in Woodhill Road is appealing to local people to help bring the culprits to justice.

Just days ago, Ms Carol McNulty and her partner detained one teenager after youths forced their way into the vacant house through the back door.

The youngster admitted he was at the scene - because he was "bored."

Ms McNulty's mother, Mrs Margaret Chadwick, was forced to leave the house in February last year when she became ill. She now lives in a local nursing home.

Since then, the semi-detached house has become a target for vandals and thieves, causing heartbreak for Ms McNulty.

She said: "Although we moved out all my mother's possessions, I've been reluctant to sell the home.

"I'm really keeping it for its sentimental value. My mum lived there all her life and it was the home where I grew up." During the past year, vandals have smashed three windows, stolen and damaged perimeter panel fencing, uplifted and stolen flags from the back garden and smashed their way in through the back door.

Last weekend, Ms McNulty was called to the house by a neighbour after vandals were seen battering their way through the heavily bolted back door.

She added: "We got one of the lads, who was just 16-years-old, and took him into our car.

"He said he was unemployed and bored. He admitted he'd been round the back of the house but said he didn't go inside.

"These kids are wandering around and it's just not fair. My mother lived there all of her life and only moved out because she was ill.

"She was well known throughout the area. I just can't believe what has happened since mum moved out. I've had to board up the windows since they were smashed."

Anyone who knows the identity of the youngsters is asked to pass on their names, in confidence, to Bury police crime management unit on 856 8157.

The youth caught by Ms McNulty is 5ft 2ins tall. with mousy hair and wearing a bright yellow zip-up jacket, blue jeans and black trainers as well as a black baseball cap.

His two accomplices were aged around 12, 5ft 2ins tall, both with mousy hair and wearing navy blue waterproof jackets, blue jeans and trainers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.