I WRITE in reply to Mr B. Rigby (Star, July 2) who says he would rather tap dance than claim dole.

How dare he say such things! There are a few who are claiming unnecessarily, but only a minority. I am one of these people he mentions, but only because I cannot work due to multiple sclerosis and other illnesses. Does Mr Rigby seriously think I should sell my video, TV and car etc? Will he tell my nine-year-old daughter she cannot watch her TV because he says I must sell it?

Can I suggest that Mr Rigby donate his house to the homeless, to help take the burden from the welfare estate? Then he could spend his days tap dancing in Church Street to pay for his council rent, council tax etc.

Otherwise, can he think in future before he starts shooting his mouth off?

D. L. Schofield, Union Street.

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