SCOUTCAR racers took a Grand Prix tumble but still came up smiling.

Lowton St Mary's Scouts and Cubs (pictured) entered the Scoutcar races at the Transport Research Laboratory test track at Ascot.

Teamsters Stuart Taylor, Shaun Roberts, Joe Porter and Thomas Swift didn't win any prizes in the Scout section but had a whole lot of fun.

The Cub's Sparrow team (Mark Molyneux, Chris Hargreaves, Thomas Owen and Nathan Coffey) qualified for the sprint final where Mark came fourth.

In the Grand Prix relay the Cub's Sparrow men led until forced-off the track into a chicane barrier. In spite of hasty repairs they lost too much time.

But Sparrowhawke racers Richard Dunn, Michael Hughes, Jake McDermot and Chris Stevenson finished fourth.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.