NORMALLY people use the letters' pages to have a go and I'm just as guilty as the next man however I would like to give a few pats on the back first! Firstly, well done to Steve Middlesbrough and all staff involved in the Summerbreeze festival including the catering staff who did a sterling job! Secondly thanks to the local police. As head of the Dome and Waterfront Bar security team I wish to say publicly what a wonderful job they did... they liaised fully with us and couldn't do enough to help, brilliant! However the teenage element who caused a nuisance to the people who wanted to enjoy the music (the same idiots who staged a pitch battle on the prom) should wake up and learn some sense or disappear and leave the rest of us to enjoy the show. Some youngsters were clearly under 18 and clearly drunk... where did they get the alcohol from? It certainly wasn't from the bars. A word to those who let their offspring run riot in this way. Give then their freedom by all means but keep and eye on them they are still your responsibility. And why did the council lock the toilets? Yes there is always the Dome but it is a licensed premises, not a public convenience and the same rules apply there i.e. under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Finally a big thumbs down to the older half-witted idiots who indulged in similar unruly behaviour, including fighting! What a good example to set for the younger people. Let us run these events the way they were intended. Let's relax, have a few drinks and enjoy the music but think about others and be responsible. If you want to get 'silly drunk' and fight... that's your choice but don't inflict it on others. People are there to enjoy themselves and watch the show if you want to knock ten bells out of each other do it elsewhere we don't want you. Be fair.

Ken Partridge,



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