I FREQUENTLY drive through Ramsbottom and last year was amazed at the length of time and money being spent re-doing the square.

And my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets the other day when I saw that huge overgrown "horn" with its distorted entrails.

Who in heavens name dreamed up such an ugly thing? In my opinion the "originator" (he's not an artist) must have had a grudge against the local council. What he has done is make pleasant Ramsbottom into the laughing stock of Lancashire.

I suggest that the people responsible for accepting this project are sacked without compensation or pensions and promptly transferred to Winnick Hospital.

The only good that just might come out of this fiasco is that the local shops, pubs and cafes get extra trade from all the inquisitive visitors.


ex-resident of Ramsbottom.

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