THANK YOU for your story in last week's Citizen entitled Thugs Target Family In Hate Row (Citizen, July 16). There is one thing I would like to add.

I now no longer believe that the people who slashed my tyres were of primary school age because I think the incident took place in the early hours of Sunday morning last week.

I know this because when I took the dog out for a walk on the Saturday evening at 10pm I checked the car and everything was fine.

The next morning when I looked at the car I saw the two tyres were distinctly flat.

Upon closer inspection I saw they both had slash marks, so whoever did it must have been out late at night which I think means they were older than primary school age.

However, the youngsters are troublesome and they hang around in gangs.

Hopefully, your article will make it easier for me and my family to move soon.

The story you wrote was good and my family and I have agreed to move to somewhere between Preston and Manchester so they can keep in contact with their friends from Preston and our family, who are from Manchester.

I am hoping someone who reads my story might be of use by helping us find a house near to where we want to live.

All my family wants is some peace and quiet and hopefully this would mean I could also get a part-time job.

S Johnson, Watling Street Road, Preston

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.