AFTER reading the Bury Times (July 17), I felt the need to voice my opinion on the infamous Ramsbottom "Urn". I'm afraid I have to disagree with the general view.

After close study I have decided that the sculpture can only be beneficial and, though I am very proud to admit that I come from this town, I do have to say that Ramsbottom is undoubtedly a small village of even smaller-minded people!

I was elated to see us getting a bit of culture and art.

Hasn't anyone realised that we are fast approaching the year 2000? The reaction of locals is what you would expect from the Dingles in "Emmerdale".

People only dislike this sculpture because it is something new and slightly different.

My heart goes out to the artist who sculpted this controversial but quite magnificent work of art. I hope we see more people with his courage in the future.


Hillside Road,


Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.