TOWN centre traders are not singing in the rain - the wet weather has put a dampener on spending spirits.

In one of the most miserable summers for years, it seems the public are staying indoors rather than risk a soaked shopping spree.

Most shops are being affected, but clothing stores have been particularly badly hit as shoppers head for winter clothing.

St George's Shopping Centre manager Carol Lowde said: "Trade is definitely not as good as it should be. This seems to be common all over the town. There is no doubt the weather has had a lot to do with it."

One town centre trader said: "This summer is becoming a disaster. The terrible weather is keeping people away from the town - which means bad business."

Shop owners are hoping that sales posters will entice more people into their stores.

Carol added: "Although clothes shops are suffering, travel agents are booming because people are fighting for late bookings to escape from the country."

Thomas Cook retail director Andrew Windsor said: "With the summer's dismal weather showing little improvement, the number of people arranging late breaks has increased by 20 per cent since last year."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.