BUSWAY consultations ended this week.

But before proposals reach the next stage, The Journal is giving readers the chance to vote on the £20m busway idea.

Controversial plans to build the guided bus route - carrying an estimated million passengers a year - from Leigh to Ellenbrook have been a major talking point over the past few weeks.

The Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive scheme to improve public transport and beat traffic congestion has been discussed at a series of public meetings.

On Friday, members of Wigan Council's highways and planning committees, plus representatives of wards through which the route would pass went to Leeds on a fact-finding mission where they saw a similar scheme.

And although public consultation has ended GMPTE has assured people last minute points of view will be taken on board by the Passenger Transport Authority.

Findings following consultation will be compiled in a report to go to the GMPTA in autumn when a decision will be made to pursue the Busway or drop it.

If they decide to pursue the scheme planning permission will be needed.

Last month GMPTE chairman Bill Tyson said if the proposals made it through to that stage the next phase was to apply for statutory powers to build.

The final decision would be made following a public inquiry.

And if the go-ahead is given the busway could be up and running within five years.

Now The Journal gives you the opportunity to have your say and vote YES or NO to the busway plans.

Email us with your vote: it's either

Busway is OK


Busway - no way.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.