MADE-to-measure bride Ann Park will hope that it's a case of out with the old and in with the new as she sheds pounds to raise cash for her parish church.

For when Ann, from Leyland, walks down the aisle in two months time, it won't be so much as here comes as the bride as please sponsor the bride!

The wife-to-be has gone on a crash diet, but it's not just for vanity. She has decided to help raise funds for the church where she plans to get married.

So while Ann loses the pounds, Leyland's United Reformed Church's kitty will be gaining them at a rapid rate!

Ann, 33, of Brantwood Drive, who will be marrying her partner of eight years David Gill, started dieting 12 weeks ago and has already shed one stone. Her target is to hit the 10 stone mark.

She said: "The church needed money for their building fund and, as I was a parish member and using the church for what I hope will be the happiest day of my life, I decided to do my bit for fund-raising.

"I needed to lose weight for my wedding so I thought I might as well do it for charity."

She added: "So far I have raised £100 and hope to collect a lot more in the next few weeks before I get married.

"Church folk have been very supportive and hopefully other people will be too."

So far Ann hopes to raise even more before her big day, on Saturday, August 6. If you want to help, ring her on (01772) 421600.

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