RUMOURS that Leyland's Southern Towngate development is behind schedule have been scotched by local councillors.

They say claims that the project has been delayed are false and that building will start on the site, which is currently waste ground, before the end of the year.

South Ribble Council Leader Gina Lewis and development services committee chairman Tom Hanson both strenuously denied the rumours, which they say are the work of Liberal Democrat Tim Farron.

The claims stem from a development services committee meeting held last week. No plans for Southern Towngate were submitted at the meeting - the last before the summer break.

Mrs Lewis said: "The rumours are nonsense. We have always said we would like to put the planning proposals before the council in the autumn and I still believe that is possible.

"It is still a realistic aim for us to be building on the site before Christmas, which has always been our aim.

"There have been a number of legal problems which have taken time to complete but it is a project that shouldn't be rushed."

Coun Hanson added: "Unfortunately, there are some councillors who just appear to want to stir problems. The project is still on schedule."

But Coun Farron is unrepentant. He said: "I think we are being kept in the dark. The public has a right to know what is going on because the future of people's businesses and house prices depend on this structure.

"The last thing I want to see is a white elephant in Leyland and this can be prevented by telling the public what is happening."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.