POOPER-snoopers are patrolling village streets - to force dog owners to clean up their act.

Villagers in Coupe Green, near Preston, have vowed to wage war on filthy dogs spotted fouling local walkways.

Angry residents have told local independent councillor Tom Sharratt they will be informing on irresponsible owners to ensure they are prosecuted.

South Ribble's Coun Sharratt, a Coupe Green resident, said: "It is a problem which we are struggling to combat.

"The area seems to have a serious problem with dog fouling and we raise the issue on a regular basis.

"Publicity stems the tide for a while, but the problem is getting out of control. I have been speaking to one concerned resident, who is promising to keep an eye on the situation and report details of anyone who is seen allowing their dog to mess up the pavements.

"It is a filthy habit which is of detriment of the entire community."

And providing enough details are available on the offenders, new legislation brought in by South Ribble Council should spell an end to the dirty habit.

The by-laws, which took effect on June 1, mean anyone who fails to remove dog mess from paths within the borough faces having to pay a fixed £25 penalty fine.

If the penalty isn't paid within a specified period, council bosses have promised to take the perpetrators to court, with the possibility of a £1,000 fine.

Dog wardens, litter wardens and park rangers all have the authority to issue the penalties.

Any information about the identity of dirty dog owners can be passed on the council on 01772 625341.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.