POLICE in Fleetwood have expressed their concern for a missing local teenager who is believed to be in the Morecambe area.

Sixteen-year-old Amanda Kemp left her home address on Hollywood Grove, Fleetwood on 3 July and was seen by a member of the family in Morecambe on Tuesday, 7 July.

Although there are no immediate fears for her safety, officers are concerned she has been missing for a week without telling her family where she is staying.

Amanda is white, slim, with collar length ginger hair and a fair complexion. She was last seen in a blue and white fleece top, blue Adidas trainers and Levi jeans.

Officer in the case is PC Andrea Robb on 01253 876611. A photo is available from police at Fleetwood.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.