REGARDING Blackburn motor cycle dealer Phil Rostron's clash with the council over displays outside his shop in Bolton Road, when I go there I talk to him about my days - when bikes were good British makes.

I am now in an electric wheelchair and I can't get on the pavement, not because of Mr Rostron's display, but because there are no dropped kerbs on that length of pavement.

I have to travel on the road and if there are cars parked in front of the shops I then have to risk going into fast traffic.

There is ample room on that stretch of pavement even with Mr Rostron's display, which is tidy and in an unobtrusive position.

I think the council should be looking at all the broken pavements in front of those monstrosity sculptures in the church gardens on Bolton Road, as well as all the traffic signs going into town, especially those on Mincing Lane. They are far more dangerous to us than Mr Rostron's display.

D WOOLLEY, (full address received)

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