YOU want to hear from people who have views on the busway? I have very strong views.

What on earth are the public's representatives thinking of to even envisage allowing this valuable piece of countryside - this "green lung" for all the surrounding communities - to be lost?

How dare Cllr Jarvis tell Chris Maile to buzz off, when Mr Maile obviously has greater concern for the well-being of this community than does Cllr Jarvis.

How dare Cllr Jarvis sneer at the horseriders who put themselves and their horses at risk in Leigh town centre and down Spinning Jenny Way?

Does he think they will put down their horses and spend their time and money skiing at Xanadu and riding to Manchester on the busway? Myself, I would not visit Xanadu or ride the busway if he paid me to do so!

Cllr Jarvis and his like were elected to look after the interests of those who elected them. The public meetings have been totally against this project. Why are the councillors' remarks not reflecting the wishes of the people.

Let Cllr Jarvis be aware that no stone will be left unturned to scotch this project.

Edna Booth,

Chapel Walk,


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