NURSES at the Royal Preston Hospital are being asked to take photographs of injuries suffered by victims of domestic violence.

The pictures, which will be taken by specially trained nurses in the accident and emergency department, will play a vital part in the conviction of offenders, if their victims press charges.

The new scheme will help ease the frustration felt by hospital staff, who see again and again the results of domestic violence and want to be able to offer victims more help.

Liz Yates, clinical nurse manager at the Sharoe Green Lane site, has pioneered this latest scheme.

She said: "Previously nurses were very frustrated because domestic violence is not a medical issue so all they could do was patch up and be nice.

"The new scheme gives them a chance to play an important role and help the victims to help themselves."

Liz also added that the photographs will help police to conduct their enquiries.

Detective Constable Pam Holgate, of the Lancashire Constabulary, has been involved in a similar project in Accrington.

She said: "I think it's an absolutely fantastic facility that will help the police cut the amount of domestic violence.

"In the past we've had so many victims come to us two months after the incident and tell us they've been abused.

"With no evidence it's very much a matter of their word against the offender's."

All photographs that are taken will remain on file at the hospital and will only be given to the police after written consent from the victim.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.