'NEW jobs? What new jobs?' That was the reply from staff at Lancaster Job Centre this week despite Lancaster MP Hilton Dawson claim that he had 'discovered 500 new vacancies. Mr Dawson was discussing the need to create more jobs on the train last week when he was interrupted by the Area Director of the Great Railway Maintenance Company, Robert Collard, who said "Jobs - I've got 500 of them!" The MP immediately called the Employment Service in Lancaster about the jobs electrifying the West Coast main line.

But staff down the job centre were none the wiser about them. After a fruitless telephone call and face to face meeting with Richard on the jobs desk, a request for information about the jobs went up to Mary at management level (both declined to give their second names). No-one knew anything about 500 vacancies or the Great Railway Maintenance Company.

Mr Dawson couldn't understand why staff at the Job Centre had not been given the information.

He said: "I called Carol Orrell at the Department of Employment immediately after I spoke to Mr Collard. I certainly don't want to criticise the people at the Jobs Centre who I think do an excellent job."

He added: "This was just a chance happening, a brief encounter, and I was really delighted to be approached by Mr Collard about these jobs. I immediately contacted the Employment Service in both Lancaster and Wyre to pass on the details, it's certainly a bit of good news for those looking for work in my constituency."

Mr Collard said he personally heard Mr Dawson pass on the information and anyone interested in a job should go to their job centre and request them to ask for Lynda Edwards at the firm's Human Resource in Crewe. The company are taking on the workers in anticipation of receiving the order to electrify the line. They are employing 24 people, who will receive training every month.

Carol Orrell is currently on holiday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.