AN MP has been challenged to explain his support for proposals to lower the age of homosexual consent from 18 to 16.

Burnley MP Peter Pike came under fire at a meeting of the town's council. Although the House of Lords last night overturned the Commons decision, Burnley Council rejected a resolution by independent councillor Harry Brooks supporting opposition to the proposals.

In the two-part resolution, Coun Brooks also asked Mr Pike to explain fully to the people of Burnley the motivation and reasons for his support. The resolution was defeated by 25 votes to 12, the only Labour member who voted for was Coun Philip Walsh. Coun Brooks said: "I think it is time the people of Burnley knew where Mr Pike is coming from on this issue.

"They are at least entitled to the information I understand he gave last year to a meeting of Labour Party officers when I understand the possibility of his withdrawal as a general election candidate was considered.

"The position of the local MP and intending candidate should not be a matter only for a private Labour Party conclave.'' Coun Brooks said he was certain that the MPs who supported lowering the age of consent (Mr Pike was out of the country at the time on government business and did not vote) were completely out of tune with public opinion.

He said the main concern of all should be the protection of young people. Sixteen year olds were not allowed to vote, drive or to drink alcohol but the gay lobby argued they were ready to indulge in sexual activity with mature and possibly predatory homosexuals.

Council leader Stuart Caddy said he was sad and sorry that Coun Brooks should attack individuals in the council chamber. "You are nothing but a bigot,'' he told him.

The council was totally committed to equality and at 16 people had the right to choose which way they wanted to go in life.

Coun Tony Harrison said he made no secret of the fact that he was gay.

He knew how much Coun Brooks' comments twisted the knife for the parents and families of four people who he knew had died as a result of HIV.

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