MEASURES to calm traffic in the West End of Morecambe has caused a storm of protest from local residents and businesses.

More than 100 people attended a heated meeting last week where planners were grilled over their controversial scheme to introduce a bus lane, chicanes and a one-way system.

Local people claim it's a "ludicrous" system that will reduce parking for residents and deter passing trade.

But the County Council officers said they were amazed at the level of hostility to the plans and that, if residents didn't want it, they would make the investment elsewhere.

"Everyone around here is unhappy about what they plan to do," said chairman of the West End Traders, Eric Sharples.

"I don't think the West End needs it. They've turned Torrisholme into a scene from the Wizard of Oz and created rat-runs in streets that used to be traffic free. I don't think planners consider the consequences of what they plan to do. I reckon that 100 per cent of people are against it. They should spend the money on better things."

Businessman Mike West added: "It was a stormy meeting and everyone had their say but whether they will listen or not is another matter. The representative from the County Council told us that he'd never had such a fuss made about a traffic calming scheme before. We've got a petition with between 200 and 300 names that were collected within days and we've done what we can to make our feelings known. They know we're not happy... now we'll have to wait and see."

Cllr Shirley Burns, who lived in the West End for 25 years, said: "I'm bitterly opposed to their plans. Some road safety measures are needed but this is ridiculous. There were 100 people at that meeting and no one was in favour of the scheme. It will kill business in the area and displace traffic problems elsewhere. And, as to the County County saying have the scheme or we'll take it elsewhere - that's just blackmail."

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