DO YOU have a 'job from hell' with meagre wages or a terrible boss? A local trade unionist compiling examples of workers' pay and conditions in Lancaster and Morecambe says he is "appalled" by some of the area's bad employers. Chris Holloway of Lancaster and Morecambe Trades Union Council has been contacted by members of the public, who have told him of their exploitation experiences in the workplace.

In some cases, says Chris, workers desperate for cash are prepared to take any job on offer.

And concerned family members are often the most worried about the effects these 'jobs from hell' have upon their loved ones.

"Following an article in the Citizen a man called who was concerned for his son," said Chris. "The son works at a packaging company where he has to work 12 hours, five days a week, for £2.40 per hour.

"The father was concerned as he noted that his son had no social life, such were his hours, and has no possibility of career advancement."

Other frightening cases include:

Security guards from Lancaster and Morecambe being paid £1.75 per hour, 70 hours per week minimum, having to provide their own uniforms and travel to a location of employment so remote that a car is essential.

Vacancies being advertised at job centres even though there is someone already doing the job! Chris says at times the employer is aware that the wages are so low and conditions so bad that the average length workers stick it out is just six weeks so vacancies are perpetually coming up.

Labourers from the area working motorways for £3.40 per hour and being asked to provide their own safety equipment even though that is against health and safety law.

Now Chris is looking for other victims of bad employers to call him with any cases of malpractice at the workplace. "People often don't want to talk to answerphones but if they just leave their name and number I'll call them back," said Chris.

Call Lancaster and Morecambe Trades Council on 413600.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.