TORRISHOLME'S notorious speed bumps are making life difficult for funeral processions on their way to the crematorium.

The controversial traffic calming has had its fair share of critics and now workers in the funeral business claim they make a 'dignified' procession almost impossible.

One particular speed hump in the centre of Torrisholme is notoriously difficult and some firms have started to take different routes to avoid them. One experienced driver told the Citizen: "The one in Torrisholme with the zebra crossing has a hell of a drop going towards the crematorium and you have to slow down to about 1mph. You try to drive smoothly and evenly but sometimes the passengers in the back of the car get shaken which is not want you want at such a delicate time. It can be very annoying and it's not good for the car either."

Another funeral service said they were aware of the problem but now used a different route.

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