Countdown to blast-off RUGBY League is ripe for expansion. That's the view of Shaun McRae as Saints prepare to meet Wigan in a first-ever clash at the Vetch Field, Swansea.

WHITTLE: The war-time pearl 'is your journey really necessary?' is on the lips of many Saints fans, who prefere to stay at home on Sunday because they believe the Swansea venture is an expensive waste of time, and are therefore forecasting a lowest-ever gate for a Saints-Wigan game. Care to comment?

McRAE: I have to say immediately that I do not share their pessimism because reports from South Wales and Wigan are that sales of tickets are going well. Obviously the fact that the match is televised will tempt some fans into the comfort of the armchair, but I will go out on a limb in saying that this finale to the unique 'On the Road' series could attract its only five-figure attendance. Everyone with the best interests of Rugby League at heart wants to see the code broaden its horizons and the signs were encouraging at Northampton and Edinburgh last weekend, and the fact that two precious Super League points have been at stake throughout the tournament provides the necessary stimulus as opposed to pure exhibition rugby. The ideal scenario would be victory over Wigan and all I can add on that score is that Saints' players have prepared well since returning from the break, and I can also assure the Saints' faithful that Bobbie Goulding will be back. WHITTLE: What is the situation team-wise?

McRAE: All six Saints' players emerged unscathed from the international at Widnes on Sunday which, as a member of the England coaching team, I thought low-key and lacking in atmosphere. However that's another story and I was 'chuffed' for Paul Davidson that he scored the winning try. As for the injury report at Knowsley Road, Saints were unsuccessful in their bid to bring forward Vila Matautia's appointment with surgeon Peter Rostron, and this will be on its original date of next Tuesday. Andy Haigh, incidentally, is due to undergo a knee reconstuction next week.

WHITTLE: Still on that representative game at Widnes, is it any wonder there is body of opinion that believes such games are ludicrous, given that just Rowland Phillips of the Welsh squad was born in Wales?

McRAE: Once again I beg to differ because as long as the stipulations for eligibility are the same for everyone - ie the grandparent rule - that is fair enough because the concept of a four nations championship is one that must be pursued. It has certain similarities with the State of Origin competition in Australia where, because New South Wales provided more players than Queensland, it was possible for a man to represent a state if he had only started his career there. Who knows, as a guy with Scottish parents I might one day coach the national team!

WHITTLE: With Karle Hammond reported to be leaving Saints at the end of the season do you believe others will follow?

McRAE: That is obviously a matter for the individual player because they all have a right to do what is the best for themselves in a career which is comparatively short. Although not wishing to leave Knowsley Road, Karle simply cannot agree a new contract and, what with reduction of the Murdoch money, strictures of the salary cap and the Bosman ruling, player movement in general seems set to rise. WHITTLE: Chris Smith cleared, Gareth Price handed a four-match ban. Mixed fortunes for Saints from the trial-by-video jury don't you think?

McRAE: Without doubt but, on the premise that players must be protected, I contend that the Rugby League must make full use of modern technology which has played a big part in ridding the game of head-hunters. What has changed is that citing of individual players by clubs has ceased, all that happens now is that Director of Referees Geoff Berry may be asked to look at a specified incident and he will decided if further action is necessary.

WHITTLE: Huddersfield, Gateshead, Swansea, Australia or Knowsley Road - where next for Saints' resident coach?

McRAE: Speculation is inevitably rife as a coach's contract is due to expire, and all can say at the moment is that no approaches have been made to me but the position should be clarified after I have met the Saints' board on Tuesday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.