SHAKERS chiefs are negotiating to keep the club's prized assets at Gigg Lane.

Improved, extended contracts have been offered to star men Chris Lucketti (main pic) and Dean Kiely (inset) who are both rated in the £1 million bracket.

Chairman Terry Robinson said: "It is an ongoing situation, we are negotiating with players whose contracts are up at the end of the forthcoming season, it is prudent to do so under the Bosman ruling."

Under the controversial ruling, both players would be able to leave on a free transfer at the end of the season, a factor that influenced the sale of Paul Butler to Sunderland in a £600,000 up-front deal three weeks ago.

Any deal struck would keep the talented duo at the club into the next millenium.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.