SWINTON coach Les Holliday has been rewarded for taking the club to the verge of the Super League.

Lions' chiefs have tabled a one year extension to the former international star's contract and hopes are high that he will sign up.

Holliday's side are well placed for the great leap forward into the RL Super League gravytrain and the club are keen for him to continue his sterling work.

Chief executive Tony Barrow told the Bury Times: "We're delighted with the progress we are making, we feel Les is going somewhere in the game and we want him to take the club with him.

"He has done an excellent job on the resources he's had and I'm confident he'll sign," he added.

The fourth placed Lions have a tough encounter at league leaders Hull Kingston Rovers on Sunday afternoon and with a growing injury list Holliday will have to wait before finalising his thirteen for the crucial clash.

Rated "very doubtful" are Paul Hulme, Mark Welsby and Pete Cannon but there is better news on Tony Barrow, George Mann, Gareth Adams, Paul Barrow, Gavin Price-Jones and Jimmy Vaikoso who could all feature at Craven Park.

"It's years since we've beaten Hull KR at their place, and it'll be tough with the injuries we have" said Barrow. "But we'll be going for it as we need every point now.

"Realistically we are looking to aim for third spot which would give us two bites of the cherry for the Premiership.

"But we owe them one and Sunday would be the perfect day to do it for us."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.