THERE'S an interesting link between the ill-fated liner Titanic, Atherton and top pop Tizer.

Back in 1912 The Journal recorded a presentation to Captain Arthur Henry Rostron.

Capt Rostron, according to our issue of April 26, 1912, was "a fine, clean-cut type of British officer" who, as skipper of the Carpathia, had sped to the rescue of Titanic survivors.

In September 1899, as Lieutenant Rostron of the Cunard liner Etruria, he had married Miss Ethel Minnie Stothert.

Her father, Richard, of Albion House, Bag Lane was a wholesale chemist and mineral water manufacturer. In more recent times his company was taken over by soft drinks manufacturer AG Barr.

These are among the many interesting historical facts revealed in Wigan Heritage Society's free enlarged newsletter "Past Forward".

Other items include memories of retired Hindley and Abram Grammar School woodwork teacher James Davies and a model T Ford road test.

Copies are available from local libraries.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.