LANCASTER could still be linked to Virgin's Euro Star service after an all-party delegation of North West MPs took their concerns to Virgin's management team.

Hilton Dawson spearheaded the meeting and was optimistic that a compromise solution could be found, especially after Richard Branson wrote to the MP and described Lancaster as a "magnificent city."

The delegation included Blackpool's Joan Humble and Tory, Michael Jack, from the Fylde.

"I think all the MPs involved worked hard to make the case that both Lancaster and Blackpool are very significant destinations," said Hilton. "Both could provide important markets for a direct Euro Star service and I was pleased that Virgin representatives were prepared to acknowledge our case and are willing to make further investigations."

Virgin is committed to launching a regional Euro Star service from January 1999 but the trains will use the East Coast mainline after Manchester on their way to Scotland.

One option that is being considered is a splitting a 14 coach train in half and using both routes.

"We have agreed to meet again in late January next year by which time I hope that Virgin's Regional Euro Star service is up and running and that they have had the opportunity to review the options and prepare the track for the direct Regional Euro Star, which we need in Lancashire and Cumbria.

Virgin have assured us that they take a long term view over this matter. I don't think that any of us who met them today are going to give up and go away. I'm hopeful that some determined advocacy might just get somewhere."

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