WHEN a roadside milestone disappeared Lowton farmer Bert Worsley felt like he'd lost an old friend.

Pub redevelopment last year at the King's Arms at Lane Head meant the milestone bearing the legend "St Helens 8 miles, Bolton 11 miles" had to move.

But locals weren't pleased when it disappeared without trace.

"I didn't like to think an old bit of Lowton had gone. I've been used to seeing it all my life," said 85 years-old Mr Worlsey.

He and a few friends tried to locate it but when their search proved fruitless they called-in local councillor Tom Sherratt.

He set the ball rolling and Mr Worsley drew the milestone from memory. With the aid of the Council, a computer design was drawn-up and the developers agreed to have a new milestone made and installed.

"It's not exactly in the same spot but it looks well and is a good job. We're glad to have it back," said Mr Worsley, of Lowton House Farm, pictured with his friend, Alec Hughes and Cllr Sherratt.

And Cllr Sherratt paid tribute to Mr Worsley's persistence:"It is due to him that it has been re-erected." PACL805/21a

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