POLICE are set to call time on pubs which double up as night clubs following an Appeal Court ruling. Landlords in Lancaster and Morecambe are currently weighing up the consequences of the 'Shipley Judgement,' which makes it illegal for ordinary pubs to use special hours certificates just to stay open until 2am. The police have written to all landlords explaining the changes and some premises will have to "seriously reconsider" the way they do business.

"Licensees must decide if they are a pub or a club - they can't be both," said Insp Martin Duff.

"The judgement reinforces a clear difference between a 'night club' opening for a few hours on special nights and a pub opening every day for normal trade. If a pub operates with a special hours certificate 'bolted' on to normal hours, either regularly or occasionally, it will have to seriously reconsider its operation. We've proposals from several premises and are dealing with licensees on an individual basis. It should prove a problem for only a relatively few premises in the district."

To get round the ruling, one pub in Morecambe has decided to open as a pub during the week and a nightclub, with dancing, food and entertainment, on Friday and Saturday nights. Insp Duff added: "To put it simply, some premises are now operating illegally and have been doing so for some time. We've given some time for everyone to take the changes on board but, as police force, it is our duty to enforce the law."

President of the Licensed Victuallers' Association, George Whittaker, said his members were meeting on Monday to discuss the judgement and its consequences.

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