PUTTING across the fans view is one of the main roles for Karen Wolstenholme who eats, sleeps and breaths Preston North End.

Being the vice-chairman of the official PNE Supporters Club, Karen loves working in her part-time role at Deepdale.

"I really enjoy being involved with the football club. Having lived in this area for years I've always had a special affection towards Preston North End."

Previously working as secretary for the supporters club, Karen managed to strike up an excellent relationship with the fans.

Now in her new role she has never been happier. She said: "It's a very busy but enjoyable job. You get to speak to more fans than anybody - so it's great to hear their views."

Occasionally Karen gets to put those views across to PNE Chief Executive Peter Church.

"Peter is great because he gives the fans a chance to talk about all issues such as the state of the pitch, new signings and comments on PNE matches."

Karen has worked in a number of roles in the last ten years at Deepdale. She has sold lottery tickets, programmes and helped as a general volunteer at the stadium.

Now she organises away travel for the loyal fans who make the journey up and down the country every fortnight.

"I have to keep in touch with the club's representatives to organise facilities for the fans such as food and a club or pub near the ground."

Every Preston North End match is followed by the supporters club. Indeed Karen has some great memories of her visits to football grounds in England. "It was fantastic when we took 27 coaches up to Newcastle for an FA Cup tie. That match along with the time we took a full train to Wembley are the real highlights for me."

Being someone who deals with fellow Division Two clubs, Karen is in a perfect position to judge how PNE are thought about by their rivals.

"More and more clubs are recognising what is happening at Deepdale. There's no doubt that the club is on the way up."

If you would like to find out more information on the supporters club call Karen on 01772 682327.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.